B Family | Snowflake, Az Photography

Hi!  It's been awhile, as usual!  I think almost every time I post here... I'm saying how behind I am!  Nothing is different!  I'm still behind... still trying to post pictures from last year and get caught up!  My goal is to be caught up with posts by February!  YES!!!  Caught up!   Someone saw me in the store the other day and said to me, "Are you still doing photography?  I never see any of your pictures any more!"   AHHHH!  Yes, I'm still doing photography.  I'm just once again behind on posts and I feel it's more important to get my clients their pictures than post previews!!!  So, here we go!  Are you ready to be over loaded with posts again?!!
Love this adorable family and I'm so sad they moved away!  If you are ever back in town to visit, give me a call!!!  Miss you guys!  :)


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